1 min read

1 min read
Doug Kaewert
Oct, 14, 21
The SENS Setup Utility, already used on all of SENS’ switchmode chargers and systems, now works with the new IQ Generation 2. Use the utility to easily change setpoints, alarm mappings, charge modes, and to capture systems diagnostics information.
USB and Ethernet port locations
The Utility page below allows mapping of alarms to physical relays. Users can map one or many alarms to the same relay.
Use this page to customize alarm to relay mapping
Using the following page users can adjust the setpoints of any charger settings. The charger’s safeguards prevent changes outside of the safe operating parameters. Users can also update firmware, restore factory defaults, and save customized battery settings.
Changing Charger Settings
The callout in the image above shows the location of the System Controls action center. System Controls contain the facilities for installing firmware, saving battery settings for easy fleet deployment, or taking a system snapshot that users can email to SENS Customer Service for troubleshooting or analysis.
System Controls
Questions? For more information see the IQ2 manual or contact SENS Customer Service.