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Thermal Runaway Monitoring

Thermal runaway is an uncontrolled rise in a battery’s temperature due to exothermic reactions.  This creates a feedback-loop where heat accelerates internal reactions, producing even more heat. This overheating can lead to gas buildup, fires, and/or explosions if not managed. It’s important to mitigate thermal runaway risks and is essential for protecting your operations and investments.


Early Detection: The Key to Prevention

Identifying the early signs of thermal runaway is crucial.  In lead-acid batteries these signs can include:

  • Increased internal and case temperatures (when compared to ambient)
  • Charge current increase
  • Swelling/bulging of battery case and external connectors
  • Abnormal cell/bloc voltages

Monitoring key parameters in real-time allows for swift intervention before a minor issue escalates into a catastrophic one.


Your First Line of Defense

The SC4 Site Controller Unit is a monitoring system that offers unparalleled protection for your battery installations.  Using the SC4’s built-in thermal runaway detection algorithm, you’ll get early warning of an event long before it ever becomes a hazard.  Focusing on the key indicators of a thermal runaway, the algorithm closely monitors:

  • Cell/bloc temperature
  • Ambient temperature
  • Float current

Explore the SC4

The SC4 provides monitoring of other key aspects of a battery’s health that may change during a thermal runaway event, such as:

  • Voltage (cell/block and string)
  • Resistance of the internal structure of the cell/bloc as well as connecting hardware
  • Discharge current
SC4 Battery Monitoring System
PBT-PA-SC4 The PBT SC4 site controller is a...
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