1 min read

Overcoming Lead-Acid Genset Starting Challenges | SENS

Overcoming Lead-Acid Genset Starting Challenges | SENS

Our genset power solutions director, Eric Solanyk, led a discussion on alternatives to lead-acid batteries for genset starting systems.

We discuss lead-acid genset batteries problems related to

  1. Reliability
  2. DC System Complexity
  3. Footprint
  4. Operations
  5. Logistics

and the current alternatives to lead-acid genset systems, such as nickel-cadmium and nickel-zinc.

Watch the recording:


Meet our speaker for this episode

Eric Solanyk

Eric Solanyk

Genset Power Solutions Director

Eric Solanyk is the Genset Power Solutions Director with Stored Energy Systems (SENS) in Longmont, CO.

He has worked as a design engineer on precision electromechanical systems for 13 years and has designed mission-critical industrial DC power systems for 8 years.

These systems are protecting mission-critical infrastructure in datacenter, power generation, utilities, switchgear, and energy applications around the world.

He received his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado and is an inventor of 4 design patents.

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